老实说,在我小学的时候,英语成绩非常差,可以说是一窍不通,英语单词之类的,我都不懂,我感到非常陌生,但是不知道为什么,自从上了初中,听了您的课程,我开始渐渐对英语产生了浓厚的兴趣,在初一开学考试中,我竟然取得了96分的成绩,我真的从来都没考过这么好的成绩,连我自己都想不到会拿到这样的分数,虽然满分是120 ,但是在班级里,我的英语成绩算是中上等了,我永远都忘不了我那时候的心情,我从没想过自己也会有这样的一天,从 ……此处隐藏274个字……n teaching, peaches and plums fragrance, their music is happy and harmonious. i wish you a happy holiday! not only in the teacher's day today, there is a tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, tai houtian, i wish your life every day, every minutes, every second, the surface is always the same smile.
the singing is concerned about: the teacher, you worked hard! your use of sweat, nurturing the tender shoots of spring have just ground-breaking. your care is like the genial spring, warm our hearts and minds. let us protect your healthy growth, formed in the autumn fruit.
life's journey, you shine our light of hope, enrich our minds, adding to our intelligence.
thank you, teacher! i wish you healthy forever! happy! happiness!